Monday, October 25, 2010

Back to the GYM

It certainly has been a long time!  And my body is feeling it now!  But it is so good to get in the gym and sweat again!  I am going to a local facility, Jim's Gym.  It's a great place, with great people.  The owner has been a family friend for years, and so has taken a personal interest in my safety as I begin to train again.  I guess he just doesn't want me passing out on the floor.  Chances are, if I didn't have that type of person, I would do just that because I would push myself so hard!
My whole life has been dictated by physical successes and talents.  I have always taken impeccable care of my body.  So when the chemo treatments started, I couldn't really exercise the way I wanted.  So I stopped.  DUMB MISTAKE!!!  I wish that I would have kept more active.  Who knows if that would have helped me with the lung stuff so I wouldn't have had to do prednisone.  But too late now.  Moral of the story...STAY ACTIVE!
When I started prednisone, my body composition changed quickly and dramatically.  I look at myself in the mirror, and wonder who that marshmallow man is.  It's quite shocking to me!

This picture is right at the beginning of chemo.  The picture to the right is at the beginning of prednisone, about 6 weeks into it.  Can you see the difference?  And this isn't even bad yet!  I am told it's going to get much larger!  But hey, as long as I can breathe, I can handle this for a while.

But it's great to be back doing something physical.  Thanks Jim!!!

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