Thursday, November 25, 2010


What a great day!  A time set apart to remember everything for which we are thankful.  Unfortunately, sometimes this is the ONLY time that we remember.  But one is better than none.
We spent Thanksgiving with Miranda's parents and company that came over there.  It was a great time, full of food, and more food.  And being on prednisone, this was NOT good for me.  I ate, and ate, and ate, and couldn't stop eating!  Most people would say that it's okay, and we are supposed to do that around the holidays.  But this was just out of control!
Of course we had the annual Turkey Bowl.  I went out to be with everyone, but really didn't play.  With the power port still in my chest, and the effects of the medication I am still on, I couldn't do much more than be the all time center.  But it was still fun to be out there with everyone and breathe the air.
On this day, I find myself being thankful for the smallest things, the things that we almost always overlook.  I am thankful that I can breathe!  I am thankful that my lungs can fill with air and function properly.
I am grateful that I am alive to see days like this.  I am grateful that my heart is still beating and my body is still fighting.
What a wonderful day it has been!

Monday, November 22, 2010

PMS Pills

Now, I am beginning to have the full experience of what it's like being a woman.  Not fun, in my opinion.  If you noticed the pictures from the party, I am quite a bit more plump than usual.  That's because I am taking a steroid called Prednisone.  I need it to, quite literally, stay alive.  I had some complications from chemo that damaged my lungs.  So the prednisone is helping to clear that up as best as possible.
But the side effects are not fun!  Weight gain, moodiness, anger, sleepy, pain... and I have no control over it whatsoever!  Not fun at all.  I can't wait to get off this stuff.

Friday, November 12, 2010

No Chemo Party

Tonight was great fun!  Miranda put together a party for me, celebrating the completion of chemotherapy.  We just had a small group of family and friends over for hot dogs, a bonfire, and just good fun!
Now, the disclaimer.  Here are some photos.  I know I didn't get everyone that came to the party.  Some pictures have just a spouse or kid there, and I wasn't able to get the whole family.  That doesn't mean that I forgot about you, and don't appreciate your encouragement, love, and support during this time.  It just means that I didn't get a picture of you because I didn't have a camera ready!
That being said...

 Janet Price, Debbie Ferguson, Mom
Jaura, Nicole Johnson, Natalie Johnson, Megan Johnson, Camille Bunnell
 Will Cummings
Missy Cummings, Bobby Cummings
Grace Schlosser
 Camille Bunnell, Megan Johnson, Natalie Johnson, Nicole Johnson, Laura (Brock is in there somewhere)
 Hank Ferguson, Leroy Stubbs, Darlene Stubbs
 Dawn Sciavolino
 Laurie Miller, Melody Fisher
 Garrett Fisher, Fabriena
 Miranda, Kate Andrews, Bonnie Andrews, Joel Andrews
 Emma y Samantha
 Spencer, Heather, Parker
 Ryan Sasse, Julie Sasse, Andrew Greenstreet, Brooke Greenstreet, Emma Greenstreet
Matt, Jeff Johnson
 Matt, Jeff Johnson
 Randall Fisher, Garrett Fisher
 Julia, Chi Chi (Dad)
 Greg, Kara Jones, Karen Miller, Maddie Cummings
 Jim Arnold, Jack Arnold
 me, Miranda
 Emma Greenstreet
me, Miranda, Emma Greenstreet, Brooke Greenstreet (Brooke's husband, Mike, is off on deployment serving our country.  We missed him, but sincerely appreciate his service for us and for our country!)
heather, Spencer, Samantha, Matt, Parker, Emma, Warren

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby and Surprise

No, we are not announcing a surprise baby!!!  Today Miranda and I went to Richmond for the baby blessing of Joel Brockbank "Brock" McIntyre.  What a special event.  It was fun to be almost all together (Ryan was the only one not there.  That seems to be a common trend.  Ryan, MOVE BACK!!).
During the time together, my family gave Miranda and me an amazing gift.  They have eached pitched in and bought us a vacation!  AMAZING!!
With the year that we have just been through, we certainly need it!  Starting from the miscarriage and going through the cancer and everything that came with those events, we need some time to not have to worry about anything!!!  We needed some time for just us.  And we are getting it!  Not quite sure where we are going to go, but I am sure that it will look something like this...

Thanks so much guys!  We love you and are grateful for your support and excitement for us!