Sunday, April 18, 2010

Out of the "Mouth" of Babes

Now, let me preface this by saying I love all my nieces and nephews dearly. they are some of the most important people in my life. When their parents told them that I have cancer, obviously they didn't quite understand. Most of them said, "Robbie is sick (yes, they call me Robbie, and they are the ONLY ones that are allowed to do that). And we need to say very special prayers for him." Faithfully, they have done so.
This experience is with my special friend, Emma. She is Matt and Heather's oldest daughter. Miranda and I went to Matt and Heather's for a barbeque with Mom and Chi Chi. It was a Fast Sunday, and so we planned on finishing together. When we arrived, Emma gave me a picture that she had made with some cute Get Well cards the kids made. As I read them, Samantha runs up to me and says, "Emma fasted three times!" I didn't quite understand what that meant.
Then Heather and I sat in the kitchen and she explained to me that Warren and Emma had decided to fast for the full 24 hours because of my cancer. This was Emma's first time fasting for the full time. So I found Emma and talked to her about it. This is how she explained what she did...
"So Mommy and Daddy said they were going to fast for you. They didn't eat dinner last night. And guess what? I forgot to eat too. And then they didn't eat breakfast. And guess what? I forgot to eat too! And then I forgot to eat lunch."
It was one of sweetest things I have ever heard. What a great lesson from a child! Simple faith that changes lives.
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